Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sneezing and Coughing Etiquette

Recently I became sick with the flu and possibly mono. I am still waiting for my blood test to come back. Anyways, I was really sick for a good week with a sore throat, high fever, cold sweats, a nasty rash, joint pain and a constant headache. During this time I spent most of my days in bed thinking about how I got sick. I wash my hands frequently and I carry hand sanitizer everywhere I go. I realized that being at school I come into contact with a lot of people and their germs. After thinking about this, I started to become aware of the people around me and their germs.

At school this week I have seen many people cough and sneeze without covering their mouths. Also, I have seen people sneezing and coughing into their hands and not washing them. Finally, I have seen the most disgusting thing, people not washing their hands after using the bathroom!!! 

So I realized that is how I probably got sick, with all of these people spreading their germs and bacteria all over campus. Think about how many doors, computers, desks, chairs, railings, and elevator buttons you touch a day. And think about how much bacteria you are picking up. So to all of the people guilty of committing these germ-spreading crimes, please watch this hilarious video on sneezing and coughing etiquette. Oh and please follow the guidelines provided and remember: COUGH AND SNEEZE INTO YOUR SHIRT!

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