So I know I usually blog about fitness and health, but for the purpose of a Public Relations assignment, today I will blog about Twitter.
I was really reluctant to join Twitter because I didn't think I would have anything important to tweet. But, I felt the same way about blogging and now I love it. Today was my first day on Twitter and I have to say: it is so much fun. Not only can I follow really interesting and famous people, I can also stay in contact with my classmates.
Thank you Melanie, for this assignment as well as the blog assignment. I realized that I have been scared of social networking. It took me a while to join Facebook, then blogging, and now Twitter. I learned that I have a lot to say and more importantly that I can learn a lot from other people.
So to all of you other social networking scaredy cats: Its really not that scary! And once you try it you will enjoy it.
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